Press release WINE System AG - long version
A highlight for the oenological discoverers:
Top winners of the PAR® Wine Award International 2019 from Israel, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Hungary and Slovenia
PAR®-Jury tasted 122 wines from 12 countries
Frasdorf, February 2019 – The new edition of the PAR® Wine Award International that took place on the second weekend in February was an extraordinary occasion for the dègustation boss Martin Darting and his PAR®-Team to experience an exciting and challenging tasting of 122 wines from 12 countries. Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine were for the first time on board widening the sensory horizon of the tasting due to the significant number of the uniquely indigenous grape varieties and culture imprint. According to the usual PAR practice, all submitted wines were assessed strictly analytically in relation to the origin, style and sensory features and beyond any taste customs. Thirteen wines could reach Top Gold, 37 products received Gold, 43 were decorated with Silver medals. Sixteen participants were rated with a compliment. The maximum number of points of the 2019 tasting – 97 out of 100 possible points – was awarded to the Lotem Winery from Israel, Tokaj-Hetszolo from Hungary, Ducal Wines from Slovenia, as well as Minos Cretan Wines and Estate Theodorakakos, both of them from Greece. The awarding ceremony followed by a wine tasting session guided by Martin Darting will take place on the 17th March 2019 at 1:30 p.m. at ProWein fair (Hall 15, Booth G37).
Each new edition of the PAR® Wine Award International brings its organisers a touch closer to their visions. A rising number of participants, the country portfolio expansion as well as feedback are the explicit statements to close a gap. The principal objective of this contest was to explore the fascinating product diversity of the Eastern Europe, Eastern Mediterranean region as well as the Black Sea area.
A look at the top performance list illustrates the diversity of the products to explore. For instance, in the category of red wines, the 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon „Vivace“ produced in the oak barrel at the Israeli vineyard Lotem in the region of Galilee (97 points). Likewise, the 2016 Cantvs Promvs, a reductively produced red from Feteasca-Neagra - the indigenous grape variety, at the Metarmorfosis Winery in the Romanian area Muntenia (96 points). Two further widely differing top nominees (96 points each) came from Hungarian region Villány-Siklós: the modern and rather reductively produced Merlot Prémium from vineyard Koch and the organically made 2015 Cabernet Franc traditionally matured in a wooden barrel and barrique at the Wassmann Winery. The latter has also performed 96 points for its 2016 oak barrel Merlot
Three very different wines could achieve the top position in the category of white wines with its 97 points each: 2016 Furmint Dry Selection reductively wooden barrel matured at organic winery Tokaji-Hétszőlő in Hungary (Tokaj-Hegyalja region), a Malvasia-Blend „M Miliarakis“ from Minos Cretan Wines, Greece, and 2015 „Sipon“, a spontaneously fermented Furmint traditionally matured in wooden barrel at Ducal Wines from the Drava area in Slovenia. Along with two further wine-growing estates from Greece – Tsoukalas Winery Rhodes and Cretan Agelakis Winery, a contender from Serbia was premiered in the 96 points white wines league: 2017 Sauvignon Blanc „Arno“ produced in a steel tank at Vinarija Aleksić from the Nišava-Južna Morava region.
Also, one rosé took the 97 points top position in the gold class: 2018 Rosé KA, a reductively in a steel tank matured blend of indigenous varieties Kidonitsa and Agiorgitiko from Greek Estate Theodorakakos.
The conclusion of Martin Darting, Head of the tasting: „Along with the wide range of terroirs represented this year; winemakers miscellaneously introduced a vast number of stylistic interpretations. The spectrum stretched from fruity „everybody’s darlings“ to highly individual varietal wines.
Due to its nativeness, the Qvevri made nominees introduced most characterful and, at the same time, contradictory wines. Another attention-getters were some examples from Israel demonstrating how modern craftsmanship makes the microclimatic differences discernible at the highest level. The situation was entirely different in the case of Eastern European countries bordering the Black Sea. A clear polarisation between international know-how and individual local imprint prevailed. The tasters were being put into a situation where they faced a real challenge because the stylistics, origin and way of production were presented in fundamentally different markedness. In order to become a runaway success on the international market, in my opinion, it is necessary to optimise the current potential – almost in all cases apparent – with emphasis on a target group approach keeping this aspect in mind while selectively bringing the products to market. Retail has a chance in terms of consulting activity. We had no average quality during the tasting this year. Those who are looking for the outstanding complexion will undoubtedly come up trumps.“
View complete Ranking including the PAR data sheet and further details about wines and wine-growers at
Background information:
Established 1999, WINE System AG, with its extensive and informative wine database, builds a solid footing for the PAR rating system developed by Martin Darting. Likewise, the company proved itself to be a high-performance partner for winegrowers, retail and expert audience in the fields of wine and sensors. As a joint developer of this innovative and transparent assessment system for the sensorially measurable products like wine, bread, olive oil, cheese and many others, WINE System AG, under the leadership of Gisela Wüstinger, who holds a graduate degree in business, organises highly prestigious contests. The portfolio includes events like, for instance, international organic wine award, PAR Wine Award International and PIWI international wine award. The database that contains more than 35.000 listed wines became a global information tool highly appreciated among experts.
Martin Darting, a co-founder and supervisory board member of WINE System AG, is a professional winemaker, sensors expert and the initiator of the Biofach Wine Award. Besides his activities as a lecturer at the German wine and sommelier school, Martin Darting is a trainer for the professional PAR® tasters, as well as the head of all WINE System AG tastings. Also, Martin Darting provides oenological quality management consulting service to the winemakers and vineyards.
PAR® tasting method: Thanks to the analytical and documentary approach of the sensory audit system, the dégustation team can approach the requirements of the diversity of such competition in a complex and objective way. Each submitted wine receives replicable and objective documentation of its sensory and oenological characteristics respectively its origin, climate and style. The PAR training enables the qualified jury consisting of oenologists, sommeliers and wine experts (certified by the German IHK) to assess each wine neutrally, excluding personal preferences or preconceived opinions regarding “good taste.” In the context of contemporary oenology, new international styles, likewise the traditionally made wines, experience appreciation and acceptance by applying PAR assessment. Besides attracting attention brought by this award, many producers appreciate the revealing analyses underlying the PAR assessment. They precisely show which criteria have led to matching results and provide valuable documentation for quality management.
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Press release WINE System AG - short version
A highlight for the oenological discoverers:
Top winners of the PAR® Wine Award International 2019 from Israel, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Hungary and Slovenia
PAR®-Jury tasted 122 wines from 12 countries
Frasdorf, February 2019 – The dégustation boss, Martin Darting, and his PAR®-Team had another extraordinary occasion to experience an exciting and challenging tasting during the 4th PAR® Wine Award International that took place on the 16th and 17th of February. Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine were for the first time on board widening the sensory horizon of the tasting due to the significant number of the uniquely indigenous grape varieties and culture imprint. According to the usual PAR practice, all submitted wines were assessed strictly analytically in relation to the origin, style and sensory features and beyond any taste customs. Thirteen wines could reach Top Gold, 37 products received Gold, 43 were decorated with Silver medals. Sixteen participants were rated with a compliment. The awarding ceremony followed by a wine tasting session guided by Martin Darting will take place on the 17th March 2019 at 1:30 p.m. at ProWein fair (Hall 15, Booth G37).
A look at the top performance list illustrates the diversity of the products native to the Eastern Europe, Eastern Mediterranean region as well as the Black Sea area. For instance, in the category of red wines, the 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon „Vivace“ produced in the oak barrel at the Israeli vineyard Lotem in the region of Galilee (97 points). Likewise, the 2016 Cantvs Promvs, a reductively produced red from Feteasca-Neagra - the indigenous grape variety, at the Metarmorfosis Winery in the Romanian area Muntenia (96 points). Three very different wines could achieve the top position in the category of white wines: 2016 Furmint Dry Selection reductively wooden barrel matured at organic winery Tokaji-Hétszőlő in Hungary (Tokaj-Hegyalja region), a Malvasia-Blend „M Miliarakis“ from Minos Cretan Wines, Greece, and 2015 „Sipon“, a spontaneously fermented Furmint traditionally matured in wooden barrel at Ducal Wines from the Drava area in Slovenia. Also, one rosé took the top position in the gold class: 2018 Rosé KA, a reductively in a steel tank matured blend of indigenous varieties Kidonitsa and Agiorgitiko from Greek Estate Theodorakakos
The conclusion of Martin Darting, Head of the tasting: „Along with the wide range of terroirs represented this year; winemakers miscellaneously introduced a vast number of stylistic interpretations. The spectrum stretched from fruity „everybody’s darlings“ to highly individual varietal wines. Due to its nativeness, the Qvevri made nominees introduced most characterful and, at the same time, contradictory wines. Another attention-getters were some examples from Israel demonstrating how modern craftsmanship makes the microclimatic differences discernible at the highest level. The situation was entirely different in the case of Eastern European countries bordering the Black Sea. A clear polarisation between international know-how and individual local imprint prevailed Retail plays a significant role in terms of consulting activity. We had no average quality during the tasting this year. Those who are looking for the outstanding complexion will undoubtedly come up trumps.“
View complete Ranking including the PAR data sheet and further details about wines and wine-growers at
Background information:
Established 1999, WINE System AG, with its extensive and informative wine database, builds a solid footing for the PAR rating system developed by Martin Darting. Likewise, the company proved itself to be a high-performance partner for winegrowers, retail and expert audience in the fields of wine and sensors. As a joint developer of this innovative and transparent assessment system for the sensorially measurable products like wine, bread, olive oil, cheese and many others, WINE System AG, under the leadership of Gisela Wüstinger, who holds a graduate degree in business, organises highly prestigious contests. The portfolio includes events like, for instance, international organic wine award, PAR Wine Award International and PIWI international wine award. The database that contains more than 35.000 listed wines became a global information tool highly appreciated among experts.
Martin Darting, a co-founder and supervisory board member of WINE System AG, is a professional winemaker, sensors expert and the initiator of the Biofach Wine Award. Besides his activities as a lecturer at the German wine and sommelier school, Martin Darting is a trainer for the professional PAR® tasters, as well as the head of all WINE System AG tastings. Also, Martin Darting provides oenological quality management consulting service to the winemakers and vineyards.
PAR® tasting method: Thanks to the analytical and documentary approach of the sensory audit system, the dégustation team can approach the requirements of the diversity of such competition in a complex and objective way. Each submitted wine receives replicable and objective documentation of its sensory and oenological characteristics respectively its origin, climate and style. The PAR training enables the qualified jury consisting of oenologists, sommeliers and wine experts (certified by the German IHK) to assess each wine neutrally, excluding personal preferences or preconceived opinions regarding “good taste.” In the context of contemporary oenology, new international styles, likewise the traditionally made wines, experience appreciation and acceptance by applying PAR assessment. Besides attracting attention brought by this award, many producers appreciate the revealing analyses underlying the PAR assessment. They precisely show which criteria have led to matching results and provide valuable documentation for quality management.
Press Contact
Press release WINE System AG
A quality competition for 29 wine nations: WINE System invites for the PAR® Wine Award International 2019
Registration deadline the 4th of February 2019 – Early-Bird-Discount valid until the 19th of December 2018
Frasdorf, November 2018 – ProWein 2019 in Duesseldorf is going to be the place for the awarding ceremony and guided tasting to celebrate the top stars of the 04th PAR® Wine Award International. The PAR tasting will take place under the leadership of Martin Darting on the 15th and 16th of February 2019. Belarus, Ukraine, Jordan and Baltic countries are going to be among 29 invited wine-producing countries for the first time. The quality contest, hosted by WINE System AG, known for the successful cross-border awards like, for instance, the international organic wine award, leads us behind the scenes to experience the insights into a number of the world’s most fascinating wine countries covering the area which spreads from Poland to Georgia, Armenia and Israel, crossing Hungary, Macedonia and Greece.
Those who are smart to hurry up with the application will take benefit from the 30% Early-Bird-Discount that is valid until the 19th of December 2018; the registration deadline is the 04th of February 2019.
The PAR® Wine Award International 2019 – countries invited: Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan.
The selection of countries involved consciously remains focused on the Eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean areas, as well as the Black Sea region. The principal objective of the contest is to learn more about the diversity of the products native to these ancient and upcoming wine-growing nations, in particular, its distinctive qualities. Each wine obtains its quality evaluation by nuanced PAR assessment method that covers the origin and the style of the product. The limitation of the number of participating countries warrants the high detail precision, and at the same time, the repeatability of the PAR method ensures the possibility of the international comparison of the products.
Besides attracting attention brought by this competition, many wine-growers appreciate the revealing analyses underlying the PAR-assessment. They show which exact criteria have led to matching results and provide a valuable manual for quality management.This method promises an objective evaluation using the 100 points system based on clear documentation.
Additional information:
PAR® tasting method: Thanks to the analytical and documentary approach of the sensory audit system, the dégustation team could satisfy the requirements of the diversity of such competition complexly and objectively. Each submitted wine received replicable and objective documentation of its sensory and oenological characteristics respectively its origin, climate and style. The PAR training enables the qualified jury consisting of oenologists, sommeliers and wine experts (certified by the German IHK) to assess each wine neutrally, excluding personal preferences or preconceived opinions regarding “good taste.” In the context of contemporary oenology, new international styles, likewise the traditionally made wines, experienced appreciation and acceptance in PAR assessment. Besides attracting attention brought by this award, many producers appreciate the revealing analyses underlying the PAR assessment. They show which exact criteria have led to matching results and provide valuable documentation for the quality management.
WINE System AG, based in Frasdorf, under the guidance of CEO Gisela Wüstinger, consults wine growers and retailers since 1999. WINE System AG provides a wide range of expert services for creating and improving internet presence. WINE System AG offers a comprehensive database, well accepted in the industry. Informative bottlenecktag has been developed by WINE System AG in order to provide better product promotion in the retail. WINE System AG is co-developer of the international PAR-System for wine, bread, cheese, olive oil and organizes tastings during annual international organic wine award, International PIWI Wine Award, PAR Wine Award Greece and PAR Wine Award International
WINE System AG
Gisela Wüstinger,
Nußbaumstr. 3,
83112 Frasdorf
Tel. +49 8052-909074
Fax +49 8052-909075
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