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LOZAR Winery and Vineyard
Nordmazedonien - Povadarja Winery description: Lozar Winery is one of the largest wineries in Macedonia, with yearly capacity of about 24 million liters of wine. The company is primary engaged in grape processing, wine and distilled beverages production and sales. The three major industrial sectors within the winery are wine (red and white), distilled beverages (brandy, rakia) and grape concentrate. ( ) The winery was established in 1966, a venture originally designed by the French government to target Macedonia's economic development. Therefore, the winery is designed in "French" manner, which allows for new opportunities for production, quality control and wine enhancement. The winery is located in Central Macedonia, country's main grape growing area, 50 kilometers south of the capital city of Skopje. Lozar Winery has undergone a reorganization and reinvestment process in past years. The investments were targeting the production process, as well as the purchase of new equipment and storage facilities. Today, the winery offers wine from the 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 harvests. The winery offers wine in bulk and bottled. The production line includes the following range of wines:
Finally, the winery offers private label production, different bottle types, and labelling, as well as advisory services.